Cero into the New Year Zero Waste Challenge

How to Participate:
- Find a way to try each weekly challenge in a way that works with your lifestyle and schedule.
- To join us on this adventure, there are a few different ways to participate.
- 1) Share what you're up to on social media posts or stories and tag @cerotucson and use the hashtag #ceronewyear
- 2) Join our Instagram group chat with all challengers! We can share ideas, tips, progress in a more connected setting to hopefully make some zero waste friends and help each other out. (Keep an eye out on Instagram for details or contact us with your handle for an invite)
- 3) Take the challenge offline and don't post to social media. Have fun with your household as you take on the challenge with no need for social proof.
- 4) Invite friends & family to take the challenge with you - online or offline
- Cero co-owners Val & Nelene will be participating, too, and sharing our take on each week.
- We may have a video hang for everyone to review and connect further at the end of the challenge.
Cero New Year Challenge Giveaways
At the end of December, and again in January, two winners will be chosen from active participants. Winners will be drawn at random. 1st draw gets a $50 gift card, 2nd draw gets a mystery gift package (about $20 value).
Enter to win:
Each month of the challenge (December and January) do the following:
- Tag us in at least three posts or stories using @cerotucson and/or use #ceronewyear.
- Requires a public account. Private accounts: DM/Email us your participation
- Not on social media? Send us an email writeup + some photo/video evidence of participation in three challenges each month
- At the end of each month, we will draw two winners at random and reach out by direct message or to the email address you contacted us with
- Note, individuals can only win once throughout the entire Dec-Jan challenge
#CeroNewYear Objectives:
Every Last Drop
Objective: Use every last bit of a certain product or type of product before getting more. For example, finish your opened teas or coffees before purchasing new ones you may not need yet. This practice helps prevent food waste and excessive spending. Practice taking careful inventory at home before you shop.
Plant-Based & Zero Waste
Objective: Take one of your favorite meals and make a plant-based version. Bonus points if zero waste is also incorporated. For example, Val is working cheese out of her diet and is interested in finding the best dairy free alternative for making dairy-free quesadillas.
Low Waste Takeout
Objective: Practice working with a business of your choice to have less waste involved in your takeout. This could mean no utensils, no bag, skipping the drinks, or a combination of these - that part is up to you. Bonus points if you choose a business that only uses paper and eco-friendly materials.
Clean Feed
Objective: Endless social media scrolling got you down? Ever ask yourself "Why do I even follow this person?" This is your invitation to consciously be your own filter as you're scrolling through your feed this week and look for accounts that don't make you feel good. Whether they're just trying to sell you stuff, make you feel bad about your body to sell you stuff, or don't add real value to your life - choose to unfollow them this week.
Your Choice
Objective: Part of this whole challenge is to learn the ways of a zero waste mindset and the thinking that goes into it. Put your noggin to work and fill in the blank for what zero waste goal you're setting this week.
Local New Year
Objective: We invite you to track down a restaurant near you that uses locally sourced ingredients. Here in Tucson, we're lucky to have Pivot Produce who partners with local growers to distribute their harvest to Tucson's restaurants and people. One of Val's recommendations for a local spot that is always creative in the way they use local items is Anello Pizzeria.
"No bags, please"
Objective: This week, we invite you to skip the bags your next shopping trip. We understand in the times of pandemic, you can't bring your own bags everywhere. We've found that the next best methods include:
- Ask your cashier/checkout team to put items straight into your cart, then unload them into your own bag/box/backpack once outside the store.
- At self checkout, stack your items onto the bagging area, and once you've paid put them bagless, straight into your cart, then unload them into your own bag/box/backpack once outside the store.
- Take a visit to your local farmers market or independently owned grocer where you can still bring your own bag. Be sure to check with organizers and vendors on exact policies.
Vegan Business Love
Objective: Find an independently owned, local business in your area and show them your support! Treat yourself to takeout, or if money is tight rn: Create a post/video telling your social media friends about them, leave an online review, sign up for their email list, or show like, an exaggerated amount of love on their social media with comments, likes, shares, etc. Some of our favorite vegan focused spots are Tumerico, Houlden's Rise Above Bakery, Urban Fresh AZ, and Lovin' Spoonfuls.
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